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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Real Fear of the Lord

I have heard many pastors and Bible teachers talk about the fear of the Lord being not a dreadful fear, but one of reverence and respect.  I know that for those who have an agenda to get what they want, they know how to give proper respect to those in authority only in leaning towards the act of deception, in order to fulfill their evil desire.  And they know how to do this with a smile.
Is this not true of those who accept this false notion of the fear of the Lord?  They believe that God is not looking for you to fear the possibility of being wiped off the face of the earth if we sin, be it deliberately or unintentionally.  They believe that when God’s Word says, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), that God does not really mean death, but something else.  Is it not safer to believe that when we sin against God, he only sees it as a soft touch instead of a severe blow?  Because if we saw God as one who is wrathful, furious, and judgmental towards his people, he would be unlikable, unapproachable, and undesirable.
What God are we talking about here?  I tell you that this god is an illusion and a figment of your imagination.  That god could not last one minute on this planet if he tried, because his own creation would eat him up alive, and spit him back out with the snicker of mockery and conquering.
Proverbs 1:7 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”  It is in the proper fear and trembling of God that you revere and respect him.
We are always being tempted to take God lightly so that we won’t have to see the seriousness of the violation of sin against God.  We are tempted to look at sin as if it is something that God really can’t get offended at.  Did God really say that you cannot do this, or say that, or take of this forbidden fruit?
We must fear not fearing God!  It was Moses who said to God’s people, “God has come to test you so that the fear of God will be in you to keep you from sinning” (Exodus 20:20).  God knows that it was the lack of the fear of him that caused his people to take him lightly, and eventually sin against him.
We must be a people who not only fear God, but fear losing the fear of God in our lives. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom – when you speak, when you look, when you listen, when you act.  It will keep you from sinning in all these areas of your soul.

“My Challenge to you”

If you are not a Christian, I invite you to receive the hope and peace in your heart that only Jesus gives.
  To become a Christian, you must deal with Christ Jesus directly. In A quiet moment, bow your head and talk to him. In your own words say something like this:
 “Dear Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I believe that you died and rose from the dead to save me from my sins. I want to be with you in heaven forever. God, forgive me of all my sins that I have committed against you. I here and now open my heart to you and ask you to come into my heart and life and be my personnel Savior. Amen.”
 If you say that to Christ and mean it, He will come in instantly. At once you will sense you have been transferred from the devil’s dominion to the kingdom of God. Read Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.                                   
                                    YOU WILL TRULY BE BLESSED!
                                            “Healing Prayer Services”        

                           Services: Wednesday Bible Study 8:00 PM
                       Sunday School   11:30 AM – 12:30 pm Services        

                   Call for prayer or information 352-615-4438      

                                                 Pastor Rolando Ramos


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