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Friday, November 8, 2013

What did Christ Teach About Repentance

Jesus’ Teaching on Repentance – the Rich Man and Lazarus

Let us uncover what Jesus teaches about repentance with the parable of the rich man and Lazarus from Luke 16:19-31.As we continue to explore Jesus’  teachings we discover he taught the same message repeatedly in different parables and differently.
In the parable of  the rich man (we do not know his name) and Lazarus both the rich manand Lazarus died. While he was alive he was physically poor but spiritually rich in his faith towards God. He believed God’s Words and as a result heaven was his reward,  Luke 16;23, 24.

The Rich Man Tormented 

Why was Lazarus and the rich man in death  “comforted” and  “tormented,”  respectively, Luke 16:25?  The rich man did  not believe the records of  “Moses and the Prophets” so because of unbelief when he died his soul was transported to “hell.” Lazarus, on the other hand, was a Believer. When he died he “was carried by the angel into Abraham’s bosom” (comfort) in heaven, Luke 16:22.  So both the rich man and Lazarus were tormented or comforted because of where each was after death. Strive to be comforted.

Hear the Preachers of Jesus Christ no repentance in the grave

Like Lazarus “hear” the preaching and teaching of Jesus Christ while you are alive because there is no repentance in the grave and there is no more preaching in hell. I say  “no more” preaching in hell because Jesus Christ preached there once and that was sufficient to save ALL the dead up until then. Since then,  everyone must hear the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven before he dies and must repent while he is alive to receive eternal life.
One of the purposes of preaching and teaching the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God is to motivate the living to repent and  turn to God before they  die. There is no repentance in the grave.

The Rich Man Request: Send a Preacher to My Father’s House

Why did the rich man request Abraham to send Lazarus to his father’s house? When the rich man was alive he never believed the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. As a direct consequence, when he died he was taken to hell. But something happened to him in hell.  He repented in hell but repentance (for him) happened  too late and could not benefit him then. The rich man wanted his five brothers to have another opportunity to hear the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and repent and be saved from hell.
The rich man wanted the man of God to “testify” or preach to his brothers that they may believe and be saved. This preaching would give them another opportunity to “believe”  and be saved and therefore avoid hell, that way they would not go into that “place of torment,” Luke 16:28. So by repentance sinners can avoid hell because their sins are confessed and forgiven. Note Abraham’s response : “They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them,” Luke 16:29. The rich man was convinced and made a convincing appeal to Abraham: No, “father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent,” Luke 16:30.
Abraham’s second reply is chilling, if the rich man’s five brothers will not “hear” the living Preachers of Jesus Christ they will  not be persuaded, if a person return from the dead, and tell them to repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, Luke 16:31. What is your attitude to the Preachers and teachers of the Word of God? Do you believe them?

Like the Rich Man there is no second chance at repentance in death, in hell or in the grave

Besides Satan and his angels and the false prophet and the beast, hell is for persons who resist the Holy Ghost by failing  to or refusing to believe the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no second chance at repentance in death, in hell or in the grave. Make full use of the opportunity you have now for there is never any guarantee of another chance for tomorrow or the next minute is promised to no man.
Finally, how many times have you heard the teaching or preaching of the Kingdom of Heaven? What was your response? Did you repent and obey the Holy Ghost? You may never receive another opportunity to hear another preaching. By his preaching Jesus Christ is knocking at your heart’s door. Make a decision now, turn from your sins, open your hear by believing and let Christ in. Accept Jesus Christ today as your Lord and Saviour for he will save you from your sins.
Like the rich man like the unrepentant person who dies is lost. He will be tormented by the “flames” of hell for all eternity. But the Believer in Jesus Christ will be comforted in heaven. Whichever place you experience is solely based on your choice. Choose Christ today.
Further Reading(s):-
Jesus Christ said that when the Holy Spirit came He would convict people of sin John 16:8.
Jesus Teaches Believers Salvation Comes by Repentance, Confession And Restitution.
Are Your Actions as Children of Light Wise or Foolish Regarding Your Decision to Repent?

Pastor Rolando Ramos 

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