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Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hebrew 10:19-25

Intro: The book of Hebrews was written to Jewish converts. These people had been saved from an ancient system of bondage to a law they could not keep. But, the rituals and demands of the law were all they knew.

The book of Hebrews suggests that some of these converts were considering a return to Judaism. They were having a difficult time leaving the rituals and ceremonies of their old live behind. They were clinging to their old religion and to their old methods of worship. Some of had already walked away from their commitment to Jesus, from the church, and they had gone back to their old life. They had returned to Judaism.

The writer of Hebrews has spent the bulk of the book proving that Jesus, and the salvation He provides, is far superior to anything the Jews experienced under the Law. After proving that Jesus Christ and His Gospel are vastly superior to Judaism, the writer closes by challenging the Jewish believers to remain faithful to Jesus and to their faith in Him.

As a part of this message, he mentions two ways that people who hear the Gospel can respond.
  Verses 19-25 teach us that some receive the Gospel and are saved. These people are given some challenges they must follow to ensure the continued health and blessing of the church.
  Verses 26-31 speak about those people who reject the Gospel of grace. Those who reject the Gospel face certain condemnation. The context concerns those who have abandoned their faith and gone back to their old way of life. Their abandonment of the truth demonstrates the truth that they were never truly saved to begin with. They are said to have “trodden under foot the Son of God” and “counted...the blood...and unholy thing.

This passage contains some very important challenges that we need to hear. These challenges are identified by three “let us” commands. Each of these “let us” statements tells us something we should do or avoid doing. I want to consider these “let us” commands because they teach us about What The Faithful Do. These verses give us a glimpse into what genuinely born again people do when they are a part of the local church. God has a word for us in these verses.

The first challenge is for us to “enter in” and “draw near”. These verses tell us how it is possible to “enter in” to the presence of God, and for us to “draw near” to Him.

  The writer makes a statement in verse 19 that must have sounded strange to his Jewish readers. He tells them to “enter into the holiest” with “boldness”. He also tells them that there is a “new and living way” into the presence of God.

The old Jewish system was a closed system, as were most religious systems in the ancient world. Under the Jewish system no one could approach God but the High Priest, and he could only do so on the Day of Atonement, and only then with the blood of an innocent sacrifice to atone for his own sins. Man was barred from the presence of Holy God!

When Jesus came and died on the cross, He made a way for all those who receive Him to enter the presence of God. When the “veil” of Christ’s flesh was broken on the cross, the way was opened to God for all who will enter. Ill. The torn veil in the Temple – Matt. 27:50-51.

When Jesus, Who is our High Priest, entered the Holy of Holies with His blood, He left the way open for us to follow, John 10:9. His shed blood is our invitation to enter the presence of God, Heb. 9:22.

  The word “having” is used three times in these verses. It speaks of a “present possession”. We have some precious possessions because of what Jesus did for us on the cross.

-   v. 19 We Have Boldness To Enter Into Salvation – The way has been opened and we are invited to come, Isa. 1:18; Rev. 22:17. If you haven’t come to Jesus, you should, and you should do it today!
-   v. 21 We Have A High Priest – We have a Man on the inside, praying for us and guaranteeing us that we will be accepted when we come, Heb. 7:25; Rom. 8:34; John 6:37.
-   v. 22 We Have Clean Hearts And New Lives - The Jewish worshiper was never truly clean. Even the High Priest had to cleanse himself every time he entered the tabernacle and temple. Things are different for us.
  When a sinner comes to Jesus by faith, he is cleansed by the blood of Jesus, once for all, 1 John 1:7; Eph. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:18-19.
  When the heart is cleansed by the blood of Jesus, the outward man is also affected, Heb. 9:14; 2 Cor. 5:17.
  Because we are clean in His sight, we have an open invitation to enter into the presence of God at any time. In fact, we are commanded to do so, Heb. 4:16.

  Based on what Jesus did for us and what He has provided for us, people are challenged to “draw near”. There are only two possible responses to the Gospel message: acceptance or rejection.

The call is for people to come.
-   We can come with “a true heart”. We must be “sincere” when we come to Jesus. We are not to come to Him lightly. We are not to treat spiritual things as if they were a game.
-   We can come in “full assurance of faith”. This means we can come to God with the full assurance that He will receive us. If we come to Him as a born again believer seeking His help, He will receive us and hear us. If we come to hIm as a lost sinner crying out for salvation, He will hear us and not turn us away!

  The question that comes to mind at this point is this: What have you done with the Gospel invitation? Have you accepted it?
-         If you have, then you have access to God the Father. Make good use of that privilege. Seek His face and call on Him often. Find yourself frequently in the throne room of the King calling on Him to do the incredible for His church and for the lost.
-         If you haven’t the way has been opened for you, if you will come to Him, John 6:37, 47; Rom. 10:13.

  I.  The Faithful Draw Near

  We are told to “hold fast the profession of our faith”. This means that since we claim to have hope in Jesus, and since we say we are saved and headed to Heaven some day, we are to live out that hope by remaining faithful to Him.

Some of these Jewish converts were having a hard time making a complete break from the rituals of their old religion. They were trying to hold onto their Jewish roots and Jesus too. The writer tells them to beware lest they turn away from Christ and go back to their old lives.

There is a danger in that for us as well. Most of us were not saved out of religion, but out of the darkness of our sin. There is always the danger that we might turn back to the world. We are challenged here to be faithful to the Lord Who saved our souls by His grace.

We have all known those people who were in the church for a while and have departed for the world. We must be on guard that the same thing does not happen to us.

There is nothing back there but pain, suffering, heartache and death. Ill. Lot’s wife – Gen. 19:26. Ill. Heb. 10:38. Here is what John said about those who turn back: “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us,” 1 John 2:19.

  We can endure faithfully with the sure knowledge that Jesus will keep His end of the bargain. When He saved us and called us out of our sins; He promised us a new life, John 10:10, and a home in Heaven when this life is over, John 14:1-3. He will not fail to deliver everything He has promised the children of God. We will come short in our commitment to Him, but He will never fail us, Heb. 6:18; Heb. 13:5! Every promise He made to us is an ironclad promise and it will be fulfilled.

The knowledge that God will always be faithful to us should serve to make us desire to be faithful to Him in return!

  I.  The Faithful Draw Near
 II.  The Faithful Hold Fast

  These verses have told us that we can have access to God through the blood of Jesus.
  They have also told us that we are expected to live out faithful, dedicated lives to the glory of God.

Verses 24-25 teach us that we are to help one another along the way of life.
  The challenge here is for us to “consider one another”. The word “consider” means “to set the mind on”. We are to set our minds on our fellow believers in an effort to “provoke” them.
  The word “provoke” is usually used in a negative manner. It means “to incite”. It has the idea of causing a crowd to “riot”. In this context word means “to stir up”.
  Another significant word in these verses is the word “exhort” in verse 25. This word means “to encourage”. Taken together, these words are a challenge for the saints to look out for one another and to encourage one another in our walk with the Lord.

Notice the ways we are to do this.
A.  We Are To Love Together – Love is to be the calling card of the church, John 13:35.
  Our love for God is to be the supreme love of our lives, Matt. 22:37-38.
  Second only to that love is the love we are to have for our brothers in Christ, Matt. 22:39-40.
  Genuine, godly love one for another is one of the sure marks of real salvation, 1 John 3:14.
  The absence of this love reveals the absence of true salvation, 1 John 4:7-8; 4:20-21.

Ill. The church house is to be a place where people feel loved! It is sad when people receive a warmer greeting at Walmart than they do at the house of God!

We are to love! Don’t wait to be love, start loving others and love will come your way!

B.  We Are To Work Together – We are to help our brothers and sisters in their work for the Lord. We are to encourage them in the work they do. Instead of finding fault with everyone and everything they do, we should take the time to notice the positive things people are doing and encourage them in their work for Jesus. We are in this thing together and we are to be in the “building up” business, not the tearing down business, Rom. 14:19; Eph. 4:29. We should be encouraging one another to continues faithfulness in the Lord’s work. (Ill. I appreciate you!)

C.  We Are To Worship Together – Some of the Jewish converts had abandoned the public gatherings of the believers. We are to seek out the fellowship of the saints and not find ways to avoid it. Church attendance is far more vital than many people realize. Just as a hot coal becomes cold when it is separated from the fire, the believer will become cold when that believer is separated from the fellowship of other believers.

We need the excitement, the teaching, the preaching, the worship, the challenges, the encouragement, the fellowship and the sense of family that is available when we go to church. Many of the saints need to reexamine their commitment to the public worship of the Savior. Nothing will help you stay close to the Lord any more than regular, faithful attendance to the services at the House of God!

Please do fall for the trick and trap of the enemy. Do not let him convince you that other things are more important than you being in your place when it is time to worship. Do not let him take away one of the greatest blessing the Lord has ever placed in your life.
  Come to church.
  Come often.
  Come faithfully.
  Come to Sunday School.
  Come to morning worship.
  Come to evening worship.
  Come to Wednesday evening meeting.
  Come to prayer room.
  Come to prayer meeting.
  Come to youth meeting.
  Come ready to worship.
  Come to sing.
  Come to pray.
  Come to praise Him.
  Come to hear HIs Word.
  Come to fellowship with His people.
  Come to serve.
  Come to help.
  Come to be helped.
  Come excited.
  Come expectantly.
  Come prepared for the Lord to do something big.
  Come praying.
  Whatever you do, come!
  Come for your children.
  Come for yourself.
  Come for the glory of the Lord.
  Be in your place every time the doors open.
  Come to church!

Here’s something to think about.
Football in the fall. Basketball in the winter. Baseball in the spring and summer. This pastor has been an avid sports fan all his life. But I've had it! I quit this sports business once and for all. You can't get me near one of those places again. Want to know why...
  Every time I went, they asked me for money.
  The people with whom I had to sit didn't seem very friendly.
  The seats were too hard and not at all comfortable.
  I went to many games, but the coach never came to call on me.
  The referee made a decision with which I could not agree.
  I suspected that I was sitting with some hypocrites -- they came to see their friends and what others were wearing rather than to see the game.
  Some games went into overtime, and I was late getting home.
  The band played some numbers that I had never heard before.
  It seems that the games are scheduled when I want to do other things.
  I was taken to too many games by my parents when I was growing up. I don't want to take my children to any games, because I want them to choose for themselves what sport they like best.

That’s silly isn’t it? Yet, those are the same kinds of excuses people use for not coming to church. Church is far more important than any ball game has ever been. We need to stow our excuses, and just admit that our hearts are not where they need to be with the Lord. We need to repent of our sin of not attending His house, and get back to where we need to be: the house of God!

If you need a reason to go to church, I will give you two excellent reasons.
1.  God commands it - Heb. 10:25.
2.  Jesus practiced it - Luke 4:16.

D.  We Are To Wait Together – As we see the coming of the Lord draw closer each day, we are to encourage one another to faithfulness and holy living. The idea here is this: as the end of this evil age draws near, and the coming of Christ draws near; it is going to become increasingly harder to remain holy and separated from this world. We are going to need the fellowship of the church more than we ever have. We have a duty to one another to encourage, challenge and help one another along the way of life.

Jesus is coming and we need one another. We need the fellowship and the strength we draw from one another if we are to make it. We need what the church has to offer while we wait for Jesus.

Conc: When you see the phrase “let us” in the Bible, it is usually a command. These “let us” phrases here are no different. These commands teach us what the faithful people of God do with their lives. This is what the faithful do. Does this describe you?

As we close our thoughts today, let me ask you a couple of questions.
  Are you saved? If you are, you are in the family of God and these commands apply to your life. If you are not, let me invite you to come to Jesus today. He loves you. He died to save you. If you will come to Him, He will save your soul and put you in His family.
  Are you faithful? If you are, the Lord will reward you for your faithful service and attention to His will. If you have allowed yourself to wander from the path God intended for you to walk. You can get that made right today.

If you need help in your life, please listen to what the Lord has to say to you today.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Matthew 14:15-21

Intro: Of all the many miracles performed by the Lord Jesus, this is the only on recorded by all four Gospel writers. This signifies its great importance. This miracle was designed by the Lord to do more than just feed a multitude. It was designed to reveal the Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah of the Jews and to reveal His nature as God. In fact, there were three distinct reasons this miracle was performed:
1. To illustrate Jesus Christ as the Bread of Life, Who was to be broken for the sin of humanity on the cross.
2. To show the Jews that One greater than Moses was here. The Jews revered Moses because they believed that he had given the Israelites bread in the wilderness. Jesus set the record straight in John 6:32-33. He reminded them that God gave the Hebrews the manna, but that Jesus Himself was the true Bread of God.
3. To demonstrate His power as the Lord of all creation. This miracle and the miracle of transforming water to wine in John 2 are the only miracles in which Jesus actually used His power to create. In all the other miracles, He used resources that were already present.
As we all know, this is a tremendous miracle and it is usually handled in a way that shows Jesus as the Bread of Life and the need of all humanity. At other times, we think of how the Lord can take just a little and make a lot out of it. However, today, I want to explore this miracle from the vantage point of the bread and the fish. I would like for us to see how the Lord Jesus took just five small biscuit like pieces of bread and two tiny fish and multiplied them so that they were sufficient to feed a multitude. I won't attempt to explain the mechanics of what Jesus did here. I do not think we humans can understand the miraculous power of God at work. What I want to do is to point out that Jesus took a small amount of bread and greatly expanded its potential for usefulness. I want to preach to you for a while on this thought: The Ministry Of The Master's Hand. As I do, I would remind you that we may feel insignificant this morning. We may feel like our lives and our church are small and limited in what we can accomplish for the Lord. I want to show you that anything that is placed in His hands, whether it be an individual or a church, will be used of Him in mighty and remarkable ways. As we have a little time this morning, let's explore The Ministry Of The Master's Hand. Just remember that what He does for this bread, He can and will do for you, if you will place all you have and are in His hands!
A. Ill. The Context. John tells us that the bread and the fish came from a small boy in the crowd, John 6:9. Jews were always very careful to render their thanks to God for His blessings. They always prayed over their food at mealtime. Often, their prayer went as follows:
"Blessed be thou,
O Lord our God,
the King of the world,
who hast produced this food
and this drink
from the earth and the vine. The point His, Jesus took this bread in His hands and He looked up to Heaven and the thanked God for His provision! (Ill. He set a standard that we are to follow as well! You ought to always take the time to thank God for the food He gives you! 1 Tim. 4:3-4)
B. Just as Jesus blessed the bread and fish that day, He blesses the lives of His people! Think about His blessings upon you since the day He placed His hand upon your life! we love life when the Lord is blessing! Things are good at home when the Lord is blessing. The church house is a glorious place when the Lord is blessing there! (Note: Just take a moment to think with me about how the Lord has blessed your life! Remember the answered prayers? Remember the mountains He has moved? Remember the needs He has met? Remember the times He came near to you and held you by grace? Remember the lonely hours when He reminded you that He still cared for you? His blessings are wonderful and He deserves to be thanked for them! Have you done that lately?) (Note: Even the lost folks among us today should be aware of the Lord's blessings. The air you breath, the food you eat, the water you drink are all His blessing on your life. Even your life itself is nothing more than something God has blessed you with! Yes, His grace and blessings extend to every member of the human family, Matt. 5:45.)
C. We all love it when the Lord is blessing, don't we? Just as a reminder, the Lord doesn't expect us to repay Him for the blessings He gives us. All He wants in return is our love, our obedience and our praise. Is He getting that from your life?
A. After He had blessed the bread, He used the same hands to break the bread! The reason? Before the bread could be shared with others, it had to be broken!
B. One of the hardest truths for humans to grasp is the great truth that those God would use greatly, He hurts deeply! A period of brokenness always precedes a time of usefulness! You can see this principle at work even in the life of the Lord Jesus Himself. Before He could provide salvation to the world, He had to be broken on the cross! We love His blessings, but we shrink from His breakings! However, while the blessings of the Lord are nice, the breakings of the Lord are necessary!
C. One of the clearest examples of this truth in the Bible is the life of the man named Job. God blessed the life of Job greatly, Job 1:1-3; then God hurt the heart of Job deeply, Job 1:8-2:10. The Lord's purpose in breaking Job is not revealed until the end of the book, when we see Job's influence expanded and God glorified, Job 42:1-17!
D. The reasons for His breaking ministry in our lives are always the same. He does it for His glory and to prepare us for greater usefulness in His kingdom work, Rom. 8:28-29. (Ill. Paul - 2 Cor. 12:7-10) It is never pleasant, but the results are always worth the pain! (Note: The lessons learned in the furnace are lessons that can be learned no where else! Ill. Daniel, Noah, 3 Hebrews, Disciples in boat, Widow in Zarephath, Elijah by the dry brook, Widow of Nain; Mary, Martha and Lazarus!) (Note: The primary lesson He wants us all to learn is the lesson of total and absolute dependence upon Him! Have you learned that lesson yet?)
E. The methods He uses for breaking a life will vary greatly. He used the analogy of metal in a furnace in Ezekiel - Eze. 22:18-22. He used the analogy of a potter inJer. 18:1-6. In both cases, God was taking His people and He was breaking them down so that they would be more like Him! (Note: I do not want to scare anyone, but I just want to remind you that the Lord knows just how to break your life! He knows exactly what to touch in your life to get your attention! He knows your heart string! By the way, He will tug that heart string if need be to get your undivided attention! Ill. 2 Sam. 14:28-33 - God knows where your barley field is and if need be, He will set it on fire to get you where He can use you in a greater way!) (Note: There are people here today that God wants to use, but He doesn't have your attention. I assure you that if you don't respond to His gentle calls, He will use more direct means to focus your heart on Him.) (Note: He can and will break churches just like He breaks the lives of individuals!)
F. Friends, if you are in one of those breaking periods of life right now, let me point out a great truth. Did you notice where the bread was while it was being broken? It was in the Master's hands! I would just remind you that when the Lord is breaking you, it isn't to damage you beyond repair. He does it to prepare you so that He can use you in a far greater way. The bread was never closer to the Master than when He was breaking it!
A. The five small loves and two small fishes were just enough to feed one little boy, but they were woefully insufficient to feed a vast multitude. However, when they were blessed and broken by the Master, their ability was broadened. He took what was designed for one and used it to feed as many as 25,000! That is what the Master can do with those things He blesses and breaks!
B. God only breaks us so that He might broaden our ministry! Therefore, do not try to run away when the hand of the Lord lays heavy on your life!. When He is breaking you, it is so that He can use you in a greater manner! (Ill. Think of Elijah by the dry brook. Think of Jacob as he served his uncle Laban for 20 years and as he wrestled with the Lord, Gen. 32 (Note: It left him altered for life - Gen. 32:24-33). Think of Moses on the backside of the desert. Think of Paul in prison. Think of Mary's alabaster box of ointment!) (Note: Remember Joseph. He was the apple of his father's eye, but he wound up in slavery and prison before the Lord exalted him to the throne of Egypt. He hurt him deeply so that He might use him greatly!)
C. If you have been blessed and broken for the Lord, then get ready, He has a plan for your life that is glorious beyond imagination!
Conc: That bread and those fish were greatly used of the Lord. Before He could use them, however, they had to be placed in His hands. There are people here today who need to place their lives in the hand of the Master. Some need to place their life there so that He can save your soul and begin to use you for His glory. Others are already saved, but they and not the Master are in control of their lives. Friend, I beg you to take your life today and place it in His hand. Trust Him to do what is right by your life and to prepare you for greatness.
I challenge this church body to come before the Lord today, call on His name and ask Him to move in power around this place. Let's ask Him to bless us! Let's ask Him to break us to bring us to a place of total dependence upon Him. Then let's watch Him use us for His glory!

May God Bless you and use you

Pastor Rolando Ramos 
