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Saturday, September 21, 2013

(Forth floor) Going shopping for the Lord

If you have understood that the third floor had to do with changing the our outward apparel, and you picked up the right look for God we are ready for the fourth floor.

“Great the fourth floor” this floor is church attendance, how important is it to attend church services? It is as important as going to work and getting paid by your employer. It’s like a child going to school to learn, and get an education.  If we didn't work to earn a living how would you pay your bills? as we all know we need to put food on the table, and if you don’t go to school, how would we learn to read and write. A job and, education are physical needs for the life in the carnally is considered the nature man. Why do we have to go to this floor? So that we could understand all about Church attendances? Some may thing that once you have asked Jesus Christ into your life, read the bible pray, and you feel that your all set going to church is a waste of time, all the churches want to do is take your money. Think about that alarm clock by your bedside going off making that annoying buzzing sound to awaking you from your beautiful sleep. And you said to yourself, “it can’t be time to get up already, but guess what? You have to go to work to bring home the bread, and butter to feed you, and your family. The same applies to your education no school no knowledge, which makes it hard for you to get a descent job. Attending church is the greatest spiritual fuel both educational as well as profitable. Have you ever gone to a pep rally in school to cheer on their class president, or their school football team to encourage them to win? A gathering of people into one place targeting the same proposes to motivate encourage and up-lifted you are the true reason to lift your spirit to motive the flesh. Going to church encourages you by hearing the testimonies of other Christian going through trials and tribulation, and how they became triumphant winner over their battles, and we; can’t forget the testimonies of the wonderful blessings they received. Word of encouragement by others supports the weaker vessel to give them confidences. You may find couch potato seating down with the remote in one hand and the bible in the other hand watching television waiting for the church program to come on. That’s not the real problem, watching Christian television programs at the privacy of your own home is fine, here were the problem comes in. While you’re watching your Christian Church service the phone rings, you may even get someone knocking at your door, or other distraction may arise. When you attend a church service your all invited attention is on the message, and the presents of God spirit hitting on the church people waiting on the rain of God’s glory to touch them, think of the glorious power that’s moving in one place “Ah…it’s awesome, once you have been touched by this, you will always want more. Have you ever been, or seen on television a revival crusade. Why do you see it usually packet with hungry God chasing people coming to receive a blessing, or salvation? Would you think that maybe those hungry God chasing people have tasted of the awesome blessings of God, and they just didn't get enough? So, we end up getting more. My friend let’s get ready to be fed with the best spiritual virgin food you have every received. If you have ever noticed that you will find the sick, lame, incurable diseases at theses revival crusades waiting for their miracle to happen all in one place, These are the souls of them wanting God, a spiritual power of God drawing them to be feed with spiritual soul food.  Do you see the picture that I am painting? This is why it is important to attend Church services, so that you will feel more of God to have a great desire to want more of God.  When you are in the privacy of your home, watching a church program on television would you get up off your couch and praise the Lord like you would as thou your in the church? Most of the people wouldn't praise the Lord like they would as in church. And this is why; the comfort of your home sweet home is a luxury for our life we have not made it to the true home sweet home yet. Going to a place of worship alerts you to fellowship with other believers, getting involved with church actives, support your church to build, and help strengthen the body of Christ. You can’t do that from just sitting down on that couch with that remote in your hand. Let’s get a jump start to a place of worship and make the church Jesus would be pleased with. I would like to ask you a question? What does the word church mean? Ephesians 1:22,23)And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.                                                                               After reading this verse does, this sound like the building is actually what he is targeting? In verse 23 which is the body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all. We are the church not the building itself. (Ephesians 5:27)That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Do you think that Jesus is talking about the building in this verse? No, it is us, we are what Jesus wants without spot, or wrinkles and should be holy and without blemish. Jesus went away to prepare a place in heaven for us, and he left us with the instruction book. So that we may follow, and take charge to lead his church, the “flock” to live acceptable as he wants to find us, upon his arrival. The bible doesn’t tell us that we live in the church to become holy and acceptable while were in the building. We must be the walking temples were ever we go. We must always remember that, “He will come like a theft in the night not knowing the day or time when he will come. 

I remember when my daughter Dinah was writing a story. And one of her paragraphs read. GOD is coming like a thief in the night, but wouldn't be stealing anything, except for the glory in heaven, “praise the Lord”. We must be on alert at all times that we must be a vessel unto honor ready to meet the Lord without spot or wrinkle, holy and acceptable vessels, remember we are the church. (Ephesians 5:27)

I hope you got the idea about the fourth floor, understand church attendances, how important it is to attend a place of worship, to build a church for the master’s use. (II Timothy 2:20,21)But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.
If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

Didn't we have a praising good time on the fourth floor?

Pastor Rolando Ramos 

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